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5 ways to declutter your business space

Written by Dom Muscat | July 25, 2019

Does your office or studio space need a detox?  Have you Marie Kondo'd your home, but forgotten about your commercial space?  Well we have some inspiration for you to get you super organised and ready to focus on your business priorities and growth. 

1. Start with your head!

Do you have thoughts and ideas flying around your head all the time?  It's only natural when you're excited about the growth opportunities and future of your start up or developing business, but being too full of ideas so that you are constantly distracted will get you nowhere.

Declutter your brain and you'll be able to focus better on what's really important.  Start with a massive brain dump - write everything down.  Post it notes are helpful here, because then you can arrange them in to categories and rank them in order of importance.  Once you've got your wall covered in sticky notes, take a photo, and then write everything down in to actionable, prioritised lists.  You'll be much more focused on current goals and now that the other things are written down, you don't need to worry about forgetting them.

2. Sort your calendar out

Whether you use an online or paper calendar, if it's full of events you don't need to know about or attend, or annoying notifications, it could be doing you more harm than good, making you feel busier than you need to be and causing stress.

Delete everything you don't really need - delegate if you can, and update your notifications to make more relevant reminders.   If you're a big fan of a paper calendar, keep it tidy - write in erasable pens, so that you can delete as necessary and not have scribbles everywhere.  Try colour coding too - one colour for business, one for family and one for your own self care.  That way you can see at a glance whether you've got the balance right for the week.

3. Declutter your inbox

Similar to the calendar, if your inbox is full of messages you don't need, and email lists you don't need to be part of, it'll be confusing your brain and stressing you out.  Try to declutter your email inbox regularly - maybe make it a Friday afternoon task?  Otherwise, if it gets out of control, it could take hours or days to sort out!

Create a filing system for your messages - if messages are filed away, so that you know you have access to the information in future, your inbox can be reserved for things that actually need responding to. When new messages come in, check them, respond, and file them away in the appropriate folder straight away. Junk mail and spam should be deleted daily.

4.  Streamline your Social Media

Social Media is a fantastic business tool, and a way to keep in touch with industry events and your social life, but it can also be a major distraction, and add to the noise in your head!

If you’re in too many Facebook groups, you're probably not interacting much in most of them anyway and therefore, you’re not getting any value out of it. Go down the list and remove yourself from groups you no longer participate in.

You can also do this with Meetup or LinkedIn groups that don’t align with your business or current goals anymore. It’s better to be fully present in a handful of groups than to join a ton of groups and never participate.

5.  Declutter your work space

Keeping your work space tidy will keep your environment calm and help you create the right mindset for work each day.  Having a tangled mess of papers and junk lying around to trip over will not create the right atmosphere, or impression to visitors!

Go through everything bit by bit.  Be ruthless.  Get rid of anything you don't need.  Paperwork can be scanned and stored digitally, and will be much easier to find anyway.  Invest in extra storage if you need to and while you're at it, how about sprucing up the office?  Some art on the walls, motivational quotes (you can make these really easily for yourself at Canva), or even just a bunch of flowers or an office plant (Ikea do great plans that are all easy to look after and clean the air for you too) will make all the difference.

Don't forget that if you really do need to store files and other things that you don't need access to on a daily basis, you can always hire storage space at Bucks Biz.  Getting it out of your office, but accessible nearby will make your everyday environment so much clearer.