Bucks Biz Centres - Our Blog Page

So, who’s now MK’s largest serviced premises provider?

Written by Dom Muscat | December 22, 2011

Without wishing to appear a bit smug, we’re going into the New Year with a bit of 
glory and a smile. :D

We are now Milton Keynes’ largest provider of serviced business premises, with a total of around 400,000 square feet of sought after offices and industrial units.

Not only that we have over 150 customers, who between them employ a thousand people. And we confidently expect that figure to be well exceeded as new units come on stream during the next few months and MK businesses continue to boom.

This has been no mean feat on our part, but it means we’re doing a lot that’s right, because we are gettng some really glowing testimonials from our customers, many of whom don’t mince their words!

They like our straight talking and dealing; not hiding costs and not over charging for many of the little things that keep businesses ticking, but which can be annoying to the point of distraction. We really believe that if our customers are happy, then they’ll be free to get on with their businesses, which in turn will expand. Happy result all round!

So a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone... and if you’re someone looking for new or upgraded premises, pop along for a look round. Even talk to existing occupants; we have absolutely nothing to hide but our glowing pride in running the finest serviced premises in Milton Keynes.