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Fun things to do while waiting in line.

Written by Ryan Feeney | November 8, 2013
Whether it’s at a grocery store, bank, restroom, restaurant, concert, movie, or – heaven forbid – the DMV, waiting in line is the worst. Especially if it’s a long one. Impatient people shift their weight and tap their feet, letting out exaggerated sigh after long, loud, exaggerated sigh. Tensions run high and imaginations turn mean. We’ve all been there. For the good of the world, we’ve come up with some ways to stay happy during a long line or wait period. OK, happy may not be the right word. Mildly calm? Relatively occupied? Sane?

Play with your phone. This may be the most obvious, albeit most effective methods of keeping your cool while waiting in queue. Return phone calls and text messages or call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Reply to (delete) emails. Check your calendar to remind yourself what you have on tap for the week and set up reminders for anything that’s come up since you last updated. All else fails, play Candy Crush. Temple Run, after all, is SO last year.

Clean up and organize your wallet and/or purse. Take a look through the black hole that is your wallet and/or purse and see what you find. Chances are you’re going to pull out dirty pennies, gum wrappers, wrinkled receipts, expired coupons, and several other unwanted items. Not only are you being productive, but you’re taking care of something you don’t often think to. Best part is, when you get to the front of the line you can hand over your handful of linty trash and politely ask if they have a garbage can behind the counter.

Do something silly! The options are endless, but here are some ideas: 1) narrate what you think the people around you are thinking, 2) each time the line moves, clap once, turn around, and walk backwards to your next waiting point, 3) intermittently hop around on one foot, 4) make a strange noise under your breath without moving your mouth and look around as if you’re trying to determine the source, 5) if you’re waiting in line for the restroom, start a friendly competition of “who can finish the fastest” – you may just speed things up a bit!

Spark up a conversation with a fellow line-dweller. These conversations typically begin with something like, “Ugh, what’s taking so long?” or “Could this person be any slower?” Why not start one by saying hello or asking the person behind you how their day (besides the miserable line) is going? You never know when your future best friend or significant other is standing right beside you!

Do some line-friendly exercises. OK, so you may look like a bit of a goofball, but who cares, right? Besides, if you stick to clenching your glutes, who is really going to notice? (See above regarding potential future significant other.) Other line-friendly exercises include but are not limited to: squats, calf raises, and lunges. If you don’t have the energy to do exercises, touch your toes. Every body needs a good stretch from time to time.

Music. If you have headphones, throw on some of your favorite tunes and do a little dance. If you don’t have your phone, iPod, mp3 player, Discman, Walkman, radio, OR portable 8-Track player, make up a ditty in your head. Think about where you are, why you are there, the people around you, and freestyle it. Not feeling creative? Let your favorite song play in your head. Later, you’ll be wondering why you keep humming it.

Read, write, or doodle. Put your eReader or a small book in your backpack, back pocket, or purse for when you know you’re going to have a wait ahead of you. This can be especially handy for students who wanna kill two birds with one stone. If you’re not much of a reader, throw in a small notebook and a pen or pencil. Make lists such as grocery, to do, life goals, or even a bucket list. When you’re all listed out, doodle the person standing in front of you in line!

There are tons of things you can do to keep yourself from going crazy while waiting in line or during other long wait periods. What do you do to keep from making a scene? Let us know in the comments below!

Original article written by - Tom
Sourced from - liveplayfully.gogosqueez.com