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Improving Customer Service Online

Written by Dom Muscat | August 22, 2019

Customer experience has changed significantly over the years, and this is largely due to technological advances and businesses having to adopt an online presence. This has changed how businesses are interacting with their customers – sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. 

If a customer leaves a great product review then this can drive traffic to your service (and website), which will cultivate interest and lead to sales. However, a product complaint can be detrimental and have a negative impact on sales. Remember: not all exposure is good exposure. 

Read on for some top tips and ways businesses can better interact with their customers. Not only will it improve customer retention, it’ll also increase job satisfaction among your workforce. People like knowing they’ve delivered a top quality service. 

1.  Have an active online presence
Know where your market is and focus your energy on those channels. For example, if you rely on visuals, imagery and aesthetic, then Instagram is probably the place to connect with your customer base. Respond to the latest trends and developments in your industry to stay relevant and keep your finger on the pulse.

2.  Master your brand’s tone of voice

Ensure your tone of voice is consistent across platforms e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Ideally, you’d have one person or a team working closely to create, schedule and monitor your social content to ensure there’s no overlap and you’re covering all the bases. Avoid robotic language or jargon as it’s difficult for customers to engage with and can be a massive turn off.

3.  Get your Social Media right
Think fast, react fast. If a customer has asked a question, commented on your service or recommended your product then respond as you would in a face-to-face situation. Respond in an time-effective way and try to reply within a 24-hour period of the customer making contact. Social media is fast, and people move on to the next thing very quickly. Keep this in mind with your interactions.

4.  Build rapport with customers 

Don’t engage in a lengthy conversation or debate – keep it short and punchy. Brands that manage to incorporate a sense of humour, and avoid being too salesy, usually have the best response rate and a greater number of followers.

Doing such a great job of this already that you need to expand to new commercial space in Milton Keynes?  Get in touch to find out how Bucks Biz can help you.