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It Could Soon Be Cheaper To Have An Office Than Work From Home

Written by Steffi Lewis | September 14, 2022

Many people work from home because they feel it will save them money in the long run. However, with the incredible rises in energy costs we've seen recently, it may be worthwhile rethinking that position.

We've been lucky to have had a long, hot summer, so we may well have turned off the central heating part of our boilers and, depending on our tariff, haven't paid for very much gas at all for the past few months. But we bet your electricity costs have gone up dramatically! If you have a fixed tariff then you'll be averaging out your payments across the year and they'll have definitely gone way up too.

As we head into the winter, and you're working from home, you'll have your central heating on again all day and that means your gas usage is going to skyrocket compared with the summer months. Yes, the Government recently announced a cap of £2,500 on our yearly energy bills, but that's still a lot of money because we're using a lot of energy throughout the day.

So what's the solution? Come back to the office!

Bucks Biz offer flexible license on short and long term options with easy upsize and downsizing. That means staff can work during the day saving themselves by not needing to heat their homes for the hours they're away (the way it use to be!).

Join us at Bucks Biz and benefit from our warm, cosy offices and a fabulous community spirit to see you through the long, dark winter months.