Bucks Biz Centres - Our Blog Page

World Entrepreneur Day

Written by Dom Muscat | August 21, 2019

Today is World Entrepreneur Day, and in light of this, we thought we’d share some top tips for the aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders here at Bucks Biz. We've done a bit of research, and uncovered five things entrepreneurs seem to have in common worldwide, along with inspirational quotes from our favourite trailblazers of today. 

So grab a cup of tea – and if you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, then grab a notepad – and enjoy our blog on what it takes to succeed. 

#1 Stay positive 

Focus on the positive, not the negative. Set yourself a daily goal, and make sure you strive to achieve something every day. This could be purely business related, but it could also be something personal, like leaving the office on time or fitting in a social activity.

“Knowing that things could be worse, should not stop us from trying to make them better” – Sheryl Sandberg

#2 Clarity

Be clear on your business goals and objectives. Know your values and the type of company you want to be. You need to be profitable and deliver a service that the market wants, while being true to yourself and passionate about the business you’re running – this will lead to success.

“Don’t worry about being successful, but work towards being significant, and the success will naturally follow” – Oprah Winfrey

#3 A good support network 

You can’t do – and be good at – everything. Building a good support network is vital, especially when your business is in its infancy. Create a team of people you can trust, and learn from others. We all come from varying backgrounds and have different skills to bring to the table.

“Sometimes life hits you on the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith” – Steve Jobs 

#4 Ability to fail (again, and again, and again)

Failure is a necessary vehicle to success. How do you think success is measured in the first place?! In order to succeed, it’s vital you learn from your mistakes and develop a thick skin in the process. Not everyone is going to like you and the work you do, but that’s okay. Have confidence in yourself and your abilities, and learn to fail gracefully.

“We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success” – Arianna Huffington

#5 Commitment to learning

When you run your own business, there’s no training department, appraisal system or boss to breathe down your neck! You need to constantly push yourself. Make the time to take courses, find people you can learn from and who will inspire you. If you can afford it, hire a business coach or mentor to help you take your business to the next level.

“My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long university education that I never had – every day I’m learning something new” – Richard Branson

This week is a big one for one of our own Entrepreneurs here at Bucks Biz!  Dan Conroy has been running OS Systems Ltd for just 8 months and has already outgrown his first commercial space, and is moving to a bigger unit in our Milton Keynes Business Centre.  Dan says "OS Systems has gone from just me and a laptop to 5 people and still recruiting!"   Good luck with the move Dan!

If you are a budding entrepreneur, interested in office or studio space in Milton Keynes, get in touch, to see how we can help.