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Great ways to get your email marketing in shape

Posted By: / June 25, 2020

Last month, we featured some ways to super-charge your business with email marketing. There was loads of practical advice in there for Bucks Biz residents, so we thought we'd do a follow-up article with even more ways you can improve your email marketing.

1. Tidy up your email marketing list

It's not all about the numbers - a small list of engaged customers is completely fine. If things are quiet in your business right now, why not go through your email list and remove anybody who has unsubscribed - you'll be paying for them to appear on your list whether you're able to market to them or not. If they've chosen NOT to hear from your company, it's fair to say they are not your ideal customer, so it's best to remove them from your list. You'll save money AND you'll be GDPR compliant (that is still a thing).

2. Put out an offer to people who haven't engaged

Often, people click on your emails, but don't necessarily go ahead and purchase or book whatever it is you offer. Why not offer a discount or a promotion for these people, something really great that will entice them to take action right now? If this still doesn't entice them, consider whether they really are a target customer and consider archiving them (if they've never bought anything from you then consider deleting them).

3. Have you got an abandoned cart email?

This can be a really great way to grow your sales. If you provide products through an ecommerce site, take a look at whether you can set up abandoned cart emails. This is when the customer gets an email to say "your items are still in your cart." The conversion rate on these is brilliant and if you can generate sales through a process that you set up once and then see it roll out, then it's a no-brainer really!

4. Check out your sign up process

Many people now have a download or a freebie that they give away to their potential customers. To automate that, there will be a sign-up process that sits behind it. If you've got some spare time, use a spare email address or ask a friend to go through the sign up process. Make sure you've got your content available in as many places as possible, for example on your social media, on your website, through paid ads. The more people who see it the better.

5. Review your metrics

Things change all the time, so logging in to your email system will tell you more about how your customers responded to your email campaigns, so that you can learn and adjust them for next time. Plus, if you've got your Google Analytics set up properly, you will be able to see if your email campaigns are driving people to your website. 

If you'd like more detailed information about how you can get your email marketing in great shape, you can watch the full training via the Website Chat School in this FREE to join Facebook Group.