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Is boredom setting in? Take a look at our list of 'jobs to do in lockdown.'

Written by Rachel Allen | May 5, 2020

As we approach a month of lockdown, desperation and boredom might start to set in. It’s tough, we do get it, but we’ve had a search through the Bucks Biz blog archives and found a couple of articles that you might want to re-read as they’re full of great inspiration to help you get through the coming weeks and months:

Read up on some inspirational people

If you’re feeling a bit despondent and not sure on your options, have a read of come of the stories of some of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs. The likes of JK Rowling and Oprah Wimfrey didn’t get their successful careers handed to them on a plate – it took grit, determination and sometimes rejection. Take a look at our top five list and let us know who inspires you!

Boosting office productivity

We wrote this blog post back in January to help people to get inspired for the new year ahead. But the steps are still as relevant as ever and there’s some good hints and tips to help you as you’re trying to juggle work and childcare in many places. Good luck and we’d love to know if you implement any of our productivity tips!

Implement a rebrand

Many of you might not be delivering your core services right now, so you’ll be thinking about getting through some of those ‘to-do list’ items that well, haven’t yet been done. If you want to focus on your marketing, now is a brilliant time as many freelancers and contractors will have availability, so you’ll get your project moving far quicker. If you’re thinking of rebranding, here’s five great steps to follow.

Get to grips with internet safety!

Our kids will be spending more time on their ipad or devices now compared to normal. And with an increase in the number of hacks likely at the moment, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re children’s devices are up to date and have the best security protection installed on them. We’ve got more information on this blog post!

Have you managed to cross off a horrible job on your ‘to-do list’ during lockdown? We’d love to hear what you’ve been up to recently!