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Girls Who Code - Book Club

Posted By: / February 16, 2021

It is so important to read around your industry topic including basic business principles as well as know who you and your brand are.

Number 2 in our Book Club is Brave, Not Perfect: Fear Less, Fail More, and Live Bolder by Reshma Saujani

Founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, Reshma Saujani shares her goal of urging women to embrace imperfection and live a bolder, more authentic life. This International Bestseller is inspired by her TED Talk on the very subject.

Saujani shares powerful insights and practices to help us let go of our need for perfection and make bravery a lifelong habit. By being brave, not perfect, we can all become the authors of our best and most joyful life. While this is aimed towards women, it is also an excellent way to view yourself as an entrepreneur. By letting go of fears such as failure and perfection, we can allow ourselves to be the businesses we want to be.

Businesses are made on the millions of small and large failures; what everyone else sees is the final product.